Our range of operations

The following operations are performed at varisano Hospital in Bad Soden as da Vinci operations in the field of general and visceral surgery if indicated and in consultation with the patient:

  • Operations on the stomach, liver, spleen, pancreas and rectum (benign and malignant)
  • Reflux operations
  • Colon surgery (inflammatory, benign and malignant)
  • Endocrine surgery (adrenal gland, pancreas)
  • Hernia operations (including complex incisional hernias)
Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Seelig

Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Seelig
Chief Physician of the Clinic for General, Visceral, Vascular and Thoracic Surgery

Phone: 06196 65-7601
E-mail: chirurgie1@varisano.de